Public Health Engineers day organised by IWWA Gwalior centre on 9th March, 2025 Venue Galav guesthouse, program started at 3 pm with welcome address by Er USPANDEY highlighting importance oftheme PHE plays in creating sustainable solutions for water supply & waste water disposal Er KK Saraswat FIE chairman & Er SK Jain ex chief engr phed mp chief guest graced the program, Er GS Agrawal environmental speciialist explained that phe focusses on ensuring clean water n sanitation & health environment directly contribute to sustainable development n public health he also described about surface source scheme need of today explaining components of scheme which is presently execution under his wothy guidance, Er RS Bhadoriya explained about rapid urbanization, climate change population growth are the challenges of providing potable drinking clean water n good sanitary habits clean water n sanitation is to be provided by the end upto2030 out of 17 SDGoals globally, Er sk jain shared his long life experiences in phed, we have to protect our planet from environmental views like global warming, climate change creating awareness n work for humanities Er Program Saraswat explained the role of Engineers to protect public heath that's why we are called public health Engineers program ended with vote of thanks by Er RK Batra at 5pm.
IWWA Gwalior Centre celebrates World Environment Day on 5 June 2024 Venue Conference Hall o|o CEPHED Gwalior zone Theme Land Restoration Desertisation and Drought Resilience The program was graced by Er SK Andhwan Project Director,JalNigam MP, Er KK Saraswat,Er RS BhadoriyaCom member,Er GK Dixit were sitting on Dais, Program started at 1pmgarlnding Maa Saraswati,Ganesh vandana en lighting Lamp, Er US Pandey delivered welcome speech aboutEnvironment it's illeffects n remedial measures to minimise pollution causing due to Air, Water, Land pollution focussing the theme of today Er Bhadoriya key note speaker described various issues through Power Point Presentation Er Saraswat pointed out the need of tree plantation to prevent pollution, Er Morya chief engineer broadly mentioned to create awareness in community for prevention of pollution by adopting good habits to save water economically ,n to maintain fair sanitary habits Chief guest Er Andhwan highlighted very important thoughts enumerated useful habits n tips Concepts of 3R'srule Reduce, Reuse, Recycle which stands in a way to take care of the environment, practising. All three activities daily in Life will definitely bring healthy Environment, He also motivated to the members for tree plantation awairing community to do so in appropriate time of rains and to safe guard the plants watching regularly to keep greeneries sound Speech was appreciated by Audience Er Megha also expressed to work with co operation by sharing good ideas to protect Lives causing I'll effects due to pollution Aman shama conducted program nicely to make it successful,40 participants took part in program Program adjourned at4pm with vote of thanks by D Agrawal. And ended with National Anthem.
Indian Water Works Association Gwalior centre orgnizes World Health Day Program on 7 April 2024,at Hotel Sunbeam city centre My Health My Right is theme of this year The program was graced by senior most IWWA member Er JP Pathak as chief guest Dr SS Jadon, ExCMHO,was guest of honour Program started at 11 am with Ganesh Vandana Er US Pandey Honorary Secretary delivered welcome address elaborted that WHD is globally celebrated with coordination of WHO every year on7 April with specific theme this year theme My Health My Right stating that WHO defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, Social well being not merely the absence of disease or infirmity Let us all commit together to foster a world where health is not just a privelege but a fundamental human right accessible to all. Dr Jadon explained that prevention is better than cure, there is need of awareness for understanding our human right for health various useful information s regarding disease diabities, blood pressure, heart n brain stroke problem, water borne diseases their causes,preventivemeasures,timely treatment n provision of rules, regulations madeby MCI n benefits being provided by Govt to general public Dr answered the questions raised by audience Er RS Bhadoriya, Com member high lighted importance of health by doing physical exercise, natural pathy homeopathy Program attended by25 members appreciated the views of speakers.
IWWA Gwalior organized Celebration of day in association with MITS in presence of Er SK Andhwan EnC PHED, MP 60 members including the engineers iwwa members, student of college attended program, Eminent speakers delivered Lectures about aisa activities, theme Engg for sustainable future, , Technical session about Water storage tank with concept of design, construction , maintenance was also conducted vote of thanks given by er Prachi
IWWA Gwalior center organized the program on28 th July 2023Theme Forest& Livelyhoods&sustaining people and planet ,Venue Conference Hall(O/O) Chief Engineer PHE office Morar Program started at 10 am with welcome speech by Er us pandey mentioning importance of nature conservation in view of theme on this auspicious day Honourable shri Vinod sharmaIAS,ExCommissioner Municipal Corporation Gwalior delivered aneffective speech with great enthusiasm in view of practical aspects of World Nature Conservation day which was highly appreciated byAudience , Professor shri AK Saxena,civil engg deptt MITS Gwalior graced the occasion as guest of honor and participated as Key Note Speaker on the occasion Prominent Engineers shri kksaraswat ,RS Bhadoriya, PN Gaur, RLS Morya, Vinod Chaaro, DK Rathor were also present on this day & shared views with audience regarding with Need of conservation of Forests and Livelyhoods 45 participants attended program which was nicely conducted by er D Nandan and Aman sharma Program was adjourned at1pm with vote of thanks by Er Jagesh shrivastava superintending engineer Municipal corporation
IndianWater Works Association Gwalior center celebrated World Population Day on 11thJuly ,Theme unleashing possibilities Venue Conference hall,Chief engineer office Gwalior Program started at4pm,shri RS Bhadoriya,Ex ce the was chair person, shri RLS Morya, ce phe Gwalior zone was chief guest, us pandeyHon secy, Gwaliorstarted program with welcome speach ,highlightingthe concept of theme, eminent engrs PN Gaur, RN Kareya,Vinod chhari briefly described useful thoughts about empowerment of women& girls women also described their grievences & asked the efforts to remove their problems. U S Pandey Secretary Gwalior Centre: Other participants of phed also shared their ideas about illeffets likely to be caused due to population growth Shri Morya described the causes of harassment of women, & necessary steps to be adopted by societies,& learned members, Shri Bhadoriya chair person focussed about awareness,identifying the problems of women uplifting their education, health status for uplifting women efforts to be done by adopting family planning so as to decrease population growth through performing IEC activities and capacity building More than 40 participants took part in the program joyfully.