The Indian Water Works Association is a voluntary organization of Professionals concerned with WATER....
The Indian Water Works Association is a voluntary organization of Professionals concerned with WATER....
The Association founded in 1968 (and registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860) with headquarter in Mumbai and 36 IWWA centres in the Country, presently has membership of 14000 plus.
To cite a few, they Include...
The Objective of IWWA is to stimulate and promote the development of Science, Technology, Economics, Environment, Ecology and Social Sciences in managing the Water; both fresh and waste water. It provides a common platform for the persons and organizations working in this sector to exchange views, share ideas, disseminate information and knowledge about new and appropriate technologies for improving and upgrading the services.
IWWA is now in its fifties and have accumulated good experience in the promotion and transfer of knowledge in Water and Waste Water management Science & Technology and handling the related issues. It serves to promote programmes to accelerate and enhance sustainable growth of Water and Waste Water systems in INDIA.
These linkages provide a vista to the members of the Association to exchange and promote ideas at international level.